Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

In my last post, I told you how much baby has been moving in the last week or so. Well, late Saturday night (early Sunday morning) about 12:30, the baby was REALLY moving. It was totally surreal -- I could actually feel the baby kicking me! I even put my hand on my stomach to see if I could feel the kicks from the outside, and I could! Philip wasn't home yet (bachelor party), and I was dying for him to feel it yesterday, but the baby wasn't as cooperative yesterday--still moving, but not nearly as much or as forcefully.

In other pregnancy revelations, my clothes are really starting not to fit. At first it was a few pants that sat more on my waist. Then, a few other pants fit a little tighter, but today, I put on a pair of khakis that are usually a little loose on me (even in the last few weeks), and though I could button them, I looked like I had been stuffed in there. I guess I should feel lucky that I am 21 weeks and not yet in maternity clothes, but I was REALLY hoping to make it until the end of school and then switch to comfy dresses and skirts for the remainder of the summer -- oh well! I am thankful baby is growing and healthy, so I really have few complaints. This is a difficult time in pregnancy (fashion wise) though. My belly has just started to "pop" and I still look more like I do after eating a large meal than I look like I'm pregnant--meaning if you didn't know I was pregnant, you'd just think I had a belly. So, I'm off to Old Navy today to see what I can find in the way of maternity clothes to last me through for a few more weeks--until I fully intend to spend my time in comfy, flowy dresses! 17 MORE DAYS!!

Also, a belated, but very Happy Mother's Day to my mom, the best role model I could hope for as I become a mother myself, and to all of the other "moms" in my life who are amazing for so many different reasons!


  1. yay meghan you look lovely!! hope you found some good stuff at old navy! xx

  2. I can't wait to see pictures of that belly!!!!
